Lamar State College Orange
Exit Survey

To improve our educational programs and services at Lamar State College Orange (LSCO), we ask you to respond as accurately as possible to the following survey questions.

This survey will provide LSCO and the State of Texas with valuable information that will be used to evaluate our academic and technical programs.

Your responses will not affect your graduation in any way.
If information is provided to an outside agency, your responses will be forwarded anonymously (Texas Public Law 98-524).

Choose month of graduation:

Choose year of graduation:

Program: (Choose one)


Award Received: (Check all that you are receiving)

What was your PRIMARY objective in attending Lamar State College Orange? (Mark one)


Did LSCO help you achieve this objective?

Are you transferring to another institution?

If you're transferring, have you had any problems transferring your credits earned at LSCO to the new institution?

Did your educational experience at LSCO help improve:

Your reading comprehension skills?

Your writing skills?

Your verbal communication skills?

Your mathematical skills?

Your computer skills/information literacy?

Your critical thinking skills?

Your researching skills?

Your teamwork skills?

Did your educational experience at LSCO help improve:

Your understanding of personal responsibility (in regards to exemplary commitment to attendance, punctuality, engagement, learning, a positive learning environment, academic integrity, and reflective, personal decision making)?

Your understanding of social responsibility (in regards to understanding and analyzing social issues from distinct cultural perspectives, identifying and evaluating the social political, and/or economic impact of issues, and assessing issue impacts on attitudes and behaviors)?

Please rate the instruction you received at LSCO.

Quality of instruction

Grading/test procedures

Instructor interest/enthusiasm

Content of courses

Laboratory experiences

Class size

Availability of needed courses

How did the following LSCO services fulfill your individual needs?

Financial Aid


Job Placement Services

Admissions Services

Veterans Services

The Gator Success Center Services

Student Activities

Library Services

Customer service of non-teaching staff toward students

Campus Security

Did you feel safe on campus?

Rate your overall experience at LSCO

Did any LSCO faculty or staff member encourage your participation in a community service event and/or project?

Are you:

Please indicate your employment status.

How would you consider your level of training or education?

Responses to the items listed below are vital for equal opportunity education and help prospective students in making career choices. This information will be used for statistical purposes only.


Ethnic Group:


Annual Salary: